Is It Safe To Drive During Pregnancy?

This is a very common question and concern during pregnancy and for good reason. Car accidents are the leading cause of death for pregnant woman and fetuses.

A pregnant woman
Image via Wikipedia

Here are some simple ways to protect yourself and your baby while driving or riding in a car:

  1. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT. Wearing your seat belt is the single most effective way of protecting yourself and your baby while in a car. You should use the 3-point system, that is a lap belt and shoulder harness. All newer car are equipped with these.
    • Secure the lap belt under or below your belly. This will help to prevent a blunt trauma to the fetus.
    • Place the shoulder belt across your chest and shoulder away from your neck. The shoulder harness may help prevent your belly from striking the steering wheel or dash board.
  1. Ride in the back seat when possible. It is often safer to ride as a passenger in the back than be upfront. This is because you are further away from the steering wheel and dash board.
  2. Move your seat to the furthest position away from the steering wheel that still allows you to drive safely. This gives you the chance of stopping before you hit the steering wheel in the event of an accident.
  3. Do not deactivate your airbags. Also, airbags are not a replacement for your seat belt.
  4. SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY! Don’t hesitate and don’t wait even if you feel “fine” after an accident. You can never be to careful with you and your baby’s health.
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1 Comment

  • matt

    November 20, 2010
